An excellent way to avoid the stress of creating training and onboarding programs and making sure every employee receives the training they need is to apply adaptive learning.
An excellent way to avoid the stress of creating training and onboarding programs and making sure every employee receives the training they need is to apply adaptive learning. Adaptive learning, which is also referred to as individualized, personalized, and non-linear, is a technique for delivering personalized learning experiences that address the unique learning preferences of individuals through a data-driven approach that self adjusts the path and pace of learning delivering tailored fit learning experiences at scale. Based on this, the materials and exercises are curated for each learner. Adaptive learning has many benefits, such as providing personalized learning paths, time efficiency, greater retention, effectiveness, and personalized feedback. So, how are these principles brought to the corporate world to create an adaptive learning organization?
Adaptive learning has many benefits, such as providing personalized learning paths, time efficiency, greater retention, effectiveness, and personalized feedback.
Adaptive Learning Organizations (ALOs)
To thrive in any industry, organizations must adapt to changes, and that doesn’t mean just buying the newest technology or trying to copy every trend in the market. It means predicting where your industry is going and quickly adjusting your focus to achieve your goals and increase your profit. Adaptive learning organizations are not afraid of experimenting and innovating to stay ahead of their competitors. To achieve this, industry analyst Josh Bersin believes three components must be considered: Sensing, decision making, and evolving. Let’s look at them in more detail:
Adaptive learning organizations are not afraid of experimenting and innovating to stay ahead of their competitors.
Sensing: AOLs are constantly studying their industry to spot the latest skill and technology trends to incorporate them into their companies. Furthermore, they ensure employees are trained to achieve the most demanded skills in the market and constantly check their knowledge gaps and needs.
Decision making: It can be hard to decide where you should invest your budget but keep in mind neglecting L&D departments results in having employees who are not prepared for the newest trends, and this affects the entire company like a domino effect. Strong L&D teams are crucial to success as they can target and address the learning needs of your staff in time. Furthermore, management teams in ALOs make sure that the L&D team is heavily involved in decision-making and future planning to move the company forward as markets change.
Evolve: ALO’s are not afraid to innovate and experiment with new technology such as virtual reality or augmented reality or with methodologies such as scrum. They understand that we all learn in unique ways and that different generations learn differently. Therefore, they are ready to experiment, evolve, and try new things to continue moving forward.
A significant deterrent for companies to become adaptive learning organizations is the difficulty it presents for one person or small team to update and adapt every learning program and company manuals to each employee’s needs, skills, and preferences. However, there is no need to fear as companies such as CanopyLAB have the solutions you need to become an adaptive learning organization in no time. While you may be thinking this will increase your costs, Bersin’s Adaptive Learning Organization’s Report explains that AOLs spend 27% less on L&D and deliver far greater business outcomes. Moreover, when it comes to CanopyLAB, we have unique corporate plans you can read about further here, which were created to adjust to your needs and budget. Remember that when you grow, we are happy to grow with you.
CanopyLAB is AI-powered Adaptive Learning
CanopLAB understands that to adapt to a learner, we must understand what the learner knows, wants, and the work they have done. We collect this information through:
- Learner activity: mapping the knowledge they have gained through tags, courses they have taken, their performance, and the choice they make when picking between different exercises.
- Learner’s clustering: Clustering users into groups with similar interests, activities, and performance on the platform.
- Learner performance on an adaptive entrance quiz before taking a course.
All this information is processed to create the following elements that CanopyLAB’s award-winning adaptive, social, and intelligent learning space includes through AI that supports individuals with unique learning preferences:
- Designing an excellent Adaptive Entrance Quiz.
- The course builder should suggest the difficulty levels of questions.
- A clear connection between questions and course materials.
At CanopyLAB, we are constantly working to leverage the power of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing to include exciting and useful features
At CanopyLAB, we are constantly working to leverage the power of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing to include exciting and useful features, such as our chatbots and influential groups, which can help take your company to the next level and become an ALO. Furthermore, our more than 53 exercises suggestions make sure there is something for every member of your team. Additionally, the forums and polls available in our integrated social network ensure that your teams grow together as learning becomes a social experience. We ensure that you continue to build a solid corporate culture even when learning programs are moved online.
adaptive learning organizations understand that to obtain a significant profit, they must invest in their people and that a solid L&D department means a team of collaborators who are always one step ahead
In short, adaptive learning organizations understand that to obtain a significant profit, they must invest in their people and that a solid L&D department means a team of collaborators who are always one step ahead of the competitors and are trained to sense where the market is going, are capable of making decisions that help the company move forward, and are not afraid to evolve and experiment to reach their goals. If you want to be part of this select successful group, then you need to update your onboarding and training game and start leveraging AI, ML, and NLP to ensure you recruit the best talents out there and leave behind your competitors.
Are you ready to become an adaptive learning organization?
Then check out one of our corporate plans today and experience the future of corporate training and onboarding.