The ABC’s of adaptive learning?

When discussing adaptive learning, there are some basic concepts that you should get your head around. The fundamentals are: Algorithms and AI, Quizzes and Assessments, Linear and non-linear learning, and finally personalized learning.

Algorithms and AI
Adaptive learning is made possible because of algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The data that the learning management system (LMS) is provided with from each learner makes it possible for the system to actually cater and adapt to the individual. The algorithms need training and data which is the reason why most adaptive learning systems will make use of quizzes and assessments.


Quizzes and Assessments
Methodologically, adaptive learning is based on quizzes and assessments designed to measure what learners already understand, what learners are able to understand with support, and what they do not understand. Based on this, the materials and exercises in digital learning courses are curated for each learner, assessing gaps in their knowledge and finding the most efficient way for competency growth and development. Most adaptive systems begin with the learner taking a baseline test of some sort. The purpose of this is to detect the learner’s prior knowledge within a specific topic and knowledge gaps.


Methodologically, adaptive learning is based on quizzes and assessments designed to measure what learners already understand, what learners are able to understand with support, and what they do not understand.


Linear and non-linear learning
Linear vs. non-linear learning is relevant terminology to become acquainted with when discussing adaptive learning. As linear learning leads each learner through the same path, the same content, in the same pace and challenging the same way regardless whether this process may turn out to repeat what the learner already knows or shoot way over the learner’s knowledge level and experiences – resulting in very limited effect and waste of time in both cases, the non-linear learning adapts to the individual learner.


Personalized learning
Personalized learning is yet another term often used for adaptive learning and basically covers instructions and content tailored to the individual learner based on level, previous experience within the topic, pace, interests, learning preferences etc.


Personalized learning is yet another term often used for adaptive learning and basically covers instructions and content tailored to the individual learner based on level,


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