Feature series: The allure of a tag structure

If you have ever been on the CanopyLAB platform, you’ve surely come across a knowledge tag or an exercise tag. Tags are showcased on your personal profile, and they are a record of what you have accomplished. The courses you have taken, the knowledge that you have gained and the exercises you have completed to train 21st century skills.


If you have ever been on the CanopyLAB platform, you’ve surely come across a knowledge tag or an exercise tag. Tags are showcased on your personal profile, and they are a record of what you have accomplished. The courses you have taken, the knowledge that you have gained and the exercises you have completed to train 21st century skills.


It’s all pretty simple; You earn your tags through taking courses. Think of it as a certification feature or the gamification element of our platform. It is a way to show how cool you are, how much your are learning, who you are, what you are good at – its your learning DNA!


You can also take a deep dive and explore YOU through your individual learning path, a special place where all your tags are showcased.



What are Knowledge Tags?

Knowledge tags symbolize key concepts or themes that learners gain after completing a course. Let’s say you are interested in starting your own business and landed on the course Introduction to Entrepreneurship. The knowledge tags like Investing, Branding and Innovation are shown on the course’s “About Page”, indicating that the learning outcomes include gaining insight on those key introductory principles of entrepreneurship


What are Exercise Tags?

After reading the knowledge tags, you are really excited to gain that knowledge – but how will that happen in the course? Exercise tags inform you of the “how” of gaining knowledge tag. Let’s go back to the Introduction to Entrepreneurship course example. The list of exercise tags includes Brainstorming, Networking and Creating an Action Plan. By taking this course you should expect to learn about innovation and branding by enhance your brainstorming and networking skills… see what we did there? The relationship between exercise and knowledge tags highlights your learning path in the course.


An element of gamification.

Let’s face it, everyone loves games and a little friendly competition. CanopyLAB’s tag structure is also a gamification feature in the sense that learners work towards earning tags, which appear on their profile. The more courses you complete with the exercise tag “debate” or knowledge tag “innovation”, the darker gradient/color/tone your tag becomes.
Tags encourage learners to take more courses, gain knowledge, and connect with others who might share similar interests.


What are you waiting for, sign up and earn tags in our free learning LAB today!


At CanopyLAB we designed a simple and social platform for digital learning experiences.