
Create an account

When you are invited to join the organization page, you will receive an email that says “Claim your profile”. Follow the instructions sent in the email and you will be all set.

You will be invited to claim an account by your organization administrator. Please check your inbox and spam filter for the invite email. Alternatively, you can sign up directly using an authorized email. Please check with your organization administrator if your email is authorized.

Follow these steps to sign up:

  1. Go to your organization’s login page
  2. Press Sign up
  3. Fill in your information
  4. Press the Sign up button
  5. You will receive a confirmation email in your inbox or spam filter. Open it and confirm your email.
  6. Congratulations! You now have an account.

Each email can only be used once. Please sign in using your email and password. If you cannot remember your password, press Forgot password?. Alternatively, try creating a new account with a different email.

Please check your spam filter. If you still can’t find the email, please contact your organization administrator.

Just use a username that is easy for you to remember – and that is in one word.

Sign in

Follow these steps to sign in:

  1. Go to your organization’s login page.
  2. Type in your username or email
  3. Type in your password
  4. Press Sign in.

You can sign in with your email instead of your username. If you forgot your email as well, please contact your organization administrator.

  1. Go to your organization login page.
  2. Press on Forgot password?
  3. Follow instructions to reset your password

At the bottom part of the login page, you can change the language by selecting one of the available language options.


To upload a profile image:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Press Edit profile
  3. Move your cursor to the image box. Press on the pen icon
  4. Drag-n-drop or upload a photo. Adjust it however you want.
  5. When done, press Upload photo to complete action

To go back to your profile from anywhere on the platform:

  1. Press on your image at the top menu
  2. Press Go to profile

To edit your profile:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Press Edit profile
  3. Change your Name, Occupation, Location, and Biography as you wish
  4. When done you are done, press Save


A newsfeed is where you can see your posts as well as posts made by people whom you follow and posts made by your organization.

To go to your newsfeed from anywhere on the platform, press your organization icon at the top left corner.


You can search for a person by typing at least 4 characters of his/her name in the search bar at the top menu.

To follow someone:

  1. Go to his/her profile page
  2. Press Follow
  3. When Follow changes to Following, then you are following this person!

To see who is following you:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Press Following
  3. You will see a list of the people who are following you.

To see whom you are following:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Press Followers
  3. You will see a list of the people whom you are following

Yes you can. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to the profile page of the person whom you want to unfollow. 
  2. Press Following
  3. When Following changes to Follow, then you have unfollowed this person!


We encourage you to post and share links, photos, and ideas with others. Your postings will be visible to the people who follow you.

To make a post:

  1. Go to your profile page or your newsfeed
  2. Press your cursor on the What’s up? text box
  3. Start typing
  4. Press Post

People who are following you will see your post on their newsfeed. People who visit your profile page can see your posts.

Yes you can. To do so, simply press on the image icon and choose an image to upload.

You can post a link to a video. However, you cannot upload a video directly and post it.

You can post a link to a file. However, you cannot upload a file directly and post it unless it is an image file under 10MB.

Private message

You can message any one person, or a group of people, so long as you know their names on the platform.

To send a message:

  1. Press the message icon at the top menu
  2. You will be directed to a new page.
  3. Press New message on the right corner to start a new message
  4. Press your cursor on where it says Type the name of a person and start typing
  5. To write the message, move your cursor to the bottom where it says Type to write message
  6. Press Enter to send


Click on the course you want to start and press the “Take Course”. You will then be asked to approve the terms of use. Once you have approved these, you are ready to start.

On-demand means that you can take the course exactly when it suits you. You decide for yourself at what pace and order you take the course.

You will complete a course once you have completed all the units. Then you can click on Complete course. If there is still something you need to do to complete the course, you will be notified

You can search for a course using at least 4 characters in the search bar at the top menu. Alternatively, press Courses at the top menu to see the full list of available courses.

To find all the courses you are taking, press My Courses at the top menu.

Your exercise submission will be reviewed by the course host, who will either approve or reject it. After this happens, you will receive a notification that the exercise has been evaluated. If the exercise is rejected, you can make another submission.

No you cannot download a course.

Yes! You can find the profile of the speaker / instructor of your course in the Speaker section in each unit.

To submit an exercise:

  1. Press on the exercise tag that you would like to submit
  2. A window will open for you complete the exercise
  3. Press SUBMIT at the end of the page when you are done completing the exercise.

Great question! You need to be enrolled in the course, then go to the top bar and click on a forum and finally click on the “New topic” button.


There are two main types of tags on the platform: knowledge tags and exercise tags. Most units have knowledge tags and exercise tags.

Once you have completed a course, you earn several knowledge tags. Knowledge tags say something about what you have learned in the courses you have completed. You will be able to see your earned knowledge tags on your page. Here you will also be able to see the course tags that you have earned.

Whenever you complete an exercise, you earn that exercise tag. To complete a unit and earn all the knowledge tags of that unit, you need to complete all required exercise in that unit. When you complete all units in a course, you earn the course tag. The tags that you earn are stored in your profile page and your dashboard.

You can see your tags in your profile page. You can also see your tags in your dashboard. To see them, press Dashboard at the top menu, and then press Insights.


  1. Press on your profile image at the top menu
  2. Press on Account settings
  3. You will be taken to a new page. 
  4. Type in your current password and the new password
  5. Press Save
  1. Press on your profile image at the top menu
  2. Press on Account settings
  3. You will be taken to a new page. 
  4. Press on Email Notifications
  5. Adjust your notification setting as you desire
  6. Press Save
  1. Press on your profile image at the top menu
  2. Press on Account settings
  3. You will be taken to a new page. 
  4. Press on Delete account
  5. Confirm your action

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