Benefits of Micro-Courses

Few daily activities leave us time to explore new and interesting sources of knowledge. Often, taking courses on different subjects may require a long time commitment, which can be impossible to fit into our busy schedules. However, if you want to learn new things, micro-learning might be the alternative for you. Keep reading to learn more about this.

Micro-learning refers to knowledge being delivered in bite-size lessons, focusing on the most relevant information and allowing individuals to learn on the go. Although this is not a new concept, the popularity of micro-learning has increased due to the nature of our busy modern schedules and the constant need to upskill. For this reason, micro-learning can have a positive impact on a person’s work and environment, as it is an excellent option to acquire knowledge and advance your skills. Keep reading to learn some of the benefits of micro-learning.


1. Autonomous and independent learning:
When we decide to start a course, there is an implied commitment to its successful completion. Micro-courses help individuals fulfill their goals by allowing them to choose how and when to approach learning content, acquiring and engaging with new knowledge at their own pace. This promotes autonomous and responsible management of time and resources.


2. Flexibility
One of the main challenges to learning new concepts and skills is the limitations that come with synchronous or location-specific learning opportunities. For example, being located in a remote area might prevent someone from accessing learning experiences they are interested in. Nowadays, however, all you need is a mobile device and an internet connection to access an infinite number of micro-courses anytime and anywhere in the world. Incredible, right?


3. Practical content
Unlike long courses saturated with unnecessary content, micro-courses focus on the acquirement of clear, concrete, and practical knowledge. Micro-courses promote learning that is focused on the acquisition and/or development of technical and social competencies and skills. For this reason, micro-courses rely on short readings, short videos, explanatory audios, images, and infographics to efficiently present and transmit knowledge.


4. Reduce gaps
Even today, in the 21st century, educational disparities and gaps in access to learning opportunities persist in different regions of the world. Indeed, the emergence of micro-courses and micro-learning goes hand in hand with a sense of urgency to ensure access to quality education for all. Micro-courses are an efficient way to reduce educational gaps since, in addition to their flexibility and practicality, they grant large groups of people quick and concrete access to a variety of knowledge sources they might not have access to otherwise.


We can break down barriers imposed by synchronous and location-based learning through micro-courses. In this constantly evolving world, it is essential to learn and develop new practical knowledge and skills continually. Hence, micro-courses are the best way to prepare yourself for future success. Because of this, on StudentLAB, we have launched a series of micro-courses that will enhance your skills and abilities. What do you think about starting a course and learning a new skill today?


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