What is an evening journal?
Evening journals are a simple way to reflect on what has happened during the day about to come to an end, the critical learning moments you experienced, and even what you expect to do tomorrow. By writing down your biggest challenge, the moments that made you happy, or what you want to manifest for the next day, you can help your mind to calm down and ease into a restful night of sleep that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready for the following day.
Evening journals are a simple way to reflect on what has happened during the day about to come to an end, the critical learning moments you experienced, and even what you expect to do tomorrow.
Allowing for this sort of opportunity for learners to reflect on their lives, whether it is in the morning or at night, can have a tremendously positive impact on their learning journey, as they will live more calm and mindful lives and their stress levels will go down to the point where their brains will be more open to learning something new, making the learning process successful and encouraging learners to reach their full potential.
How do I use evening journals?
Thanks to our pre-set questions, all you have to do is include this exercise when you think it fits your content, and voila, your part as course creator is done. Some of the questions for this journal include:
- What was the biggest challenge today?
- What was the best part of your day today?
- What are your sleep goals?
Promoting a more mindful lifestyle is crucial for the mind to focus on projects or work you are involved with. Therefore, including these exercises in your courses allows learners to find a moment of peace, pause, and reflection to refresh their brains and be ready for the next lesson.
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