The enormous potential of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in learning.

The user experiences on the CanopyLAB platform is currently enhanced by Artificial Intelligence (AI). I’m super excited to share a brief overview of the two initial features we have released in beta version:

This feature is pretty essential when you enable adaptive learning because it then differs what content each user is exposed to, so the ability to automatically keep track of everything saves teachers and HR from a lot of manual work.

Automatic meta-tagging of all content (BETA)

We use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to meta-tag and catalog all of your uploaded course content (videos, audio files, texts, links to external articles, etc.). That helps administrators keep track of what your users learn, and help us automatically transfer their accomplishments, for example, the knowledge tags, onto their personal profile. This feature is pretty essential when you enable adaptive learning because it then differs what content each user is exposed to, so the ability to automatically keep track of everything saves teachers and HR from a lot of manual work.

By simply pasting a link into the Materials section the NLP reads the document (or even an uploaded video) and spits out a list of sugested Knowledge Tags -pretty cool if you ask us.


Exercise recommendations (BETA)

We use algorithms to recommend specific exercises in the different course units, so it isn’t a jungle to pick between our 50+ different exercises and templates.

So far the features are only released when working with materials in English, but we are going to include Spanish and Danish shortly, as well as a long list of additional languages next year.

Based on your uploaded materials we suggest exercises “trending in your learning community” or “trending in your industry” -Thanks to Artificial Intelligence creating adaptive courses has never been easier.


[…] we often see that in a university courses or when our clients use the CanopyLAB platform for ongoing skills-training in a corporate context, the courses consist of so many materials, that the teacher or HR consultants don’t have a chance to read or watch all of the assigned materials and therefore can’t tag it accurately. Now they don’t have to.


Why is tagging of learning materials important you might wonder?

There are many reasons why using NLP in a learning context has incredible potential. I’ve listed the top three reasons that make me very excited below:

  • Our NLP feature enables a more accurate mapping of the content of your learning materials (videos, texts, audio, etc.) than when it is tagged by a human.
  • That’s a bold statement, I know. It also reduces a lot of (boring) manual work because you don’t have to tag the materials yourself.
  • Finally, we often see that in a university courses or when our clients use the CanopyLAB platform for ongoing skills-training in a corporate context, the courses consist of so many materials, that the teacher or HR consultants don’t have a chance to read or watch all of the assigned materials and therefore can’t tag it accurately. Now they don’t have to.


At CanopyLAB we designed a simple and social platform for digital learning experiences.