Top Five Adaptive Learning Companies in the World

Adaptive learning technology has taken the world of education by storm thanks to its many advantages. One of the most important ones is that it helps teachers and instructors understand learners’ needs and learning preferences. In this way, they can create personalized learning experiences, which we’ve discussed in depth before in this blog entry.

The ability to curate learning experiences isn’t an entirely new concept. Universities allow students to create their own majors according to their interests. Furthermore, many teachers in K12 systems try to understand their students’ interests and knowledge levels through different tests and materials. However, this can be very tedious and difficult to carry out due to time constraints, and this is where technology comes in.


EdTech and Adaptive Learning
The first image that comes to mind when you think of technology in the classroom is perhaps a group of students with their heads buried in their tablets or smartphones pretending to study while checking their Instagram or Tik-Tok feed, right?


Thanks to the growing Ed-Tech industry, technology is now playing a vital role in education by allowing instructors and teachers to create personalized learning experiences using different tools and platforms that combine AI, machine learning, and NLP, which has dramatically changed how we learn and teach. As author and educator George Couros put it, “Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers is transformational.” With that in mind, let’s check out the top five adaptive learning companies in the world.


Top Five Adaptive Learning Companies

  1. DreamBox Learning: DreamBox Learning is an online software provider that focuses on mathematics education at the elementary and middle school level. DreamBox Learning provides pre-kindergarten through 8th-grade students with over 2,000 lessons presented as animated adventures, games, and challenges. Furthermore, they assess students constantly to give them personalized learning paths and lessons.

  2. Khan Academy: Khan Academy provides instructional videos, practice problems, and a personalized dashboard, which allows students of all ages to learn at their own pace about different subjects such as math, history, chemistry, art, physics, programming, and much more, for free! Moreover,  they offer personalized learning paths for each user with activities, videos, and more.

  3. Thinkster Math: Thinkster Math is a tutoring program used on laptops, tablets, and desktops. It combines human interaction with AI to provide students with personalized learning paths. Furthermore, the AI technology tracks their work and gives feedback to understand why they got answers wrong or why they were correct.

  4. CanopyLAB: CanopyLAB’s adaptive, social, and intelligent learning space uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to understand the learners’ needs, skills, wants and uses this information for its AI-driven content authoring tool that assures that each course is modeled to create adaptive courses, making sure that every learner has a personalized and adaptive learning experience.

  5. Century Tech: Century Tech’s platform uses cognitive neuroscience and data analytics to create personalized learning plans. Moreover, the AI technology tracks the students’ progress, identifies their gaps in knowledge, and offers feedback. Furthermore, it reduces planning and grading time by providing different resources.


These are just some of the companies that are evolving education and bringing it to the 21st century by providing students with truly tailored learning experiences that make sure every single kid reaches their full potential by addressing the gaps in knowledge as soon as possible and allowing them to learn new content in the ways they prefer.


Adaptive learning can become every teacher’s best friend by reducing the time they spend grading and lesson planning and redirecting that energy into giving their students one-on-one tutoring supported by AI chatbots and making sure all of them can find what they are best at and in this way reach their full potential.


Are you ready to experience the future of education and the many benefits of adaptive learning?


Try out CanopyLAB’s intelligent, adaptive, and social learning space and give your team and students a personalized learning experience that will leave them asking for more.