3 top free courses for students on artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in everyday applications. From video games in which characters adapt to the choices users make in playing to recommendations on video-streaming services like Netflix or YouTube, AI is increasingly necessary to ensure modern products and services live up to constantly-changing consumer expectations.

Due to its tremendous appeal and limitless potential, debate has become more intense regarding the not-so-distant possibility that AI could eventually replace human beings altogether.


AI is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as, “The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.” This means that implementation of the technology that enables human capabilities – such as understanding, reasoning, perception, among others – to be undertaken by a man-made software which is increasingly becoming more effective and smarter in decision making than humans. Due to its tremendous appeal and limitless potential, debate has become more intense regarding the not-so-distant possibility that AI could eventually replace human beings altogether. While we expect that AI will never be able to replace or replicate the infinite reactions that comprise human feelings and emotions, it is true that AI has taken over some of the more mundane human activities and tasks that are both repetitive (for example, grading student papers) as well as tasks that are more defined (like space exploration for extraterrestrial life).


Are you still curious about AI and how it is shaping your world? Keep reading! I have curated a list of three free courses in our StudentLAB that you can take to join the conversation right away.


1. Technologies Changing the World: An Introduction to the Future Technologies Series

Curious about AI or Blockchain but find even entry-level discussion a little high-brow? We have got you covered! This truly beginners course will introduce you to these five emerging terms that are revolutionizing our current times:

  1. Blockchain,
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML),
  3. Internet of Things (IoT),
  4. Digital Twin, and last but not least,
  5. 3D Printing & Digital Manufacturing.


This is the first course in the series giving you an overview of these crucial topics as well as a deep-dive into some of the ethical debates regarding technological advances and our society. We encourage you to continue with the second and third parts of the series to get to learn much more about Future Technologies!


2. Introduction to the Future of Learning I: New and Emerging Trends

There has never been a more relevant time to get to know the EdTech (educational technology) industry better. Not just for the novelty of understanding the innovative companies and technologies they are working with to change our world, but also because we are bombarded with apps, robots, and new learning tools constantly and being prepared to navigate them right now is crucial.


As a result of COVID-19, educators, administrators, and students have transitioned to fully digital learning in a matter of just days and are asking: “How do we do that successfully?” and “What tools could we integrate into our virtual classrooms?” Our Introduction to the Future of Learning series investigates trends and fads in learning technology, tools, and methodology where it affects the majority of us most: schools.


3. Contemporary Issues in Human Rights

What are the most pressing issues in 2020? What are the concerns sparking debates? What are the trending topics related to human rights? The struggle for human rights has existed for hundreds of years and it is still ongoing. Nelson Mandela said, “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity”. 


Nelson Mandela said, “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity”.


One of the very first units in this course is on the intersection of human rights and AI. Through discussions, learners will be taken all around the world to visit some of the most pressing human rights issues and debates in context. At the end of the course, learners will be equipped with new knowledge, allies, and inspiration to take back to their local community in order to take action and make a difference.


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