5 Apps And Software That Will Improve Your Grade Today

Back to the Future is one of my favorite movies of all time, not only because, well... Michael J. Fox, but also because I’ve always been interested in imagining what the future would look like. When I was born, back in the 90s, we didn’t have flat screens or computers in every home, much less affordable access to the Internet. Therefore, watching people unlock doors using their thumbprints, connecting with others through video calls, and playing hand-free video games were wild futuristic ideas, and I loved them. We may not have flying cars or auto-lacing sneakers...yet (though rumor has it, Nike is working on those), but I’m sure not even Marty or Doc imagined we would carry around a small device in our pockets, which we could use to solve pretty much all of our needs and make our lives simpler.

Today, we have apps for everything. Streaming services, banks, and even food delivery services have different apps you can use to simplify your life, find information, or get the most delicious sushi at 2:00 am on your front step. In fact, given that about 4 billion people use a smartphone today, and as of January 2021, there were 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide, it is no wonder that you can find some type of app or software for pretty much every business across different industries worldwide. Wild…isn’t it?


apps and software services make our lives easier in many different ways, including our education, which translates into better grades at school or university.


The truth is, apps and software services make our lives easier in many different ways, including our education, which translates into better grades at school or university. This is why, today, we’ll talk about five apps and software that can help you get the results you need and which you can access from the comfort of your own home. 


1.Khan Academy
Founded by Sal Khan, Khan Academy provides instructional videos, practice problems, and a personalized dashboard, which allows students from all ages to learn at their own pace about different subjects such as math, history, chemistry, art, physics, programming, and much more, for free! Furthermore, the website includes materials for teachers and practice exercises you can download and use anytime you need them.


2. TED
Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED) was founded by Richard Saul Wurman and Harry Marks. Their slogan “ideas worth spreading” is something they truly live up to with the thousands of educational and insightful talks you can find on their website and app. The speakers include politicians, educators, students, entrepreneurs, and celebrities. Basically, they teach us that we all have something to teach and that there is always something new to learn. Moreover, Ted-Ed has some insightful videos you can use to learn new things or review for your next exam.


3. Quizlet
Created by Andrew Southerland, Quizlet allows you to create flashcards you can use to review before exams or after a particularly challenging lesson. But that’s not all! You can also check out flashcards and different high-quality study materials such as games, adaptive questions, and quizzes created by other students and teachers. They recently launched an AI-Learning assistant that can help you in your learning path, and according to their website, 90% of students who use Quizlet have reported an improvement in their grades. 


4. The studentLAB
Learning online doesn’t have to be a lonely process, and this is where The LAB comes in. Founded by Sahra-Josephine Hjort and Christian Juul Jensen with the mission to democratize education, The LAB allows you to Learn about relevant topics with high-quality free content created by expert learning designers and associated NGOs, which you can use to Act on in your community and Build change with a global network you can interact with through the integrated social media platform. With different clusters such as Space and Sports and AI-powered technology, we are sure you will find great content that can help you improve your grades at school and become a changemaker.


5. Duolingo
This popular language-learning app was founded by Luis von Ahn and  Severin Hacker. It offers more than 30 language courses, and thanks to its machine learning algorithms, it provides personalized learning paths that adjust to your knowledge and needs. With its bite-sized lessons and adaptive tests, which you can take from anywhere and whenever you want to, it is no wonder that it is used by more than 500 million people worldwide who choose it to learn new languages, practice their skills, or review before a test.


video-based content, gamification, and personalized learning paths on the go make apps and software a great solution to improve your grades and make your study sessions more effective


In short, video-based content, gamification, and personalized learning paths on the go make apps and software a great solution to improve your grades and make your study sessions more effective. Moreover, the digitalization of education is definitely opening new doors for many people to access high-quality and engaging content, which would be as jaw-dropping for Marty McFly as the holograms and self-drying jackets were. What are you waiting for? Try out these recommendations and stay tuned for more ways to use futuristic tools to learn and connect with people worldwide and, as Doc would say, “…The future isn’t written. It can be changed… Anyone can make their future whatever they want it to be.”, so use these tools and start creating the future you want right now.


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