Collect Even More Learner Data Using Our Newest Baseline Assessment

Designing meaningful online courses can be challenging. It is difficult to assess a learners’ academic levels before they commence a course. Furthermore, the fast-paced world of personalized tech, makes learners expect that courses adapt to their knowledge and skills. Adaptive learning has been around for quite some time and receives mixed teacher reviews. In fact, a study from the UCL Institute of Education indicates that only 20 % of teachers believe that baseline tests are accurate. But, at the same time, HR departments and deans are asking teachers and HR personnel to gather more data on learner progression and prove return on investment (ROI).

We leverage baseline assessments to collect learner data, measure ROI, and enable adaptive learning.

It is difficult to assess a learners’ academic levels before they commence a course. Furthermore, the fast-paced world of personalized tech, makes learners expect that courses adapt to their knowledge and skills.


What is a baseline test?

A baseline test is a type of multiple-choice quiz that tracks learner progression when administered at the beginning and end of a course. The test has to be identical. The data from the baseline tests provide insights into what learners already know about a topic before they start the course and what knowledge they have gained once they complete it. This way, you are provided with real data about learner progression.


A baseline test is a type of multiple-choice quiz that tracks learner progression when administered at the beginning and end of a course.


Why are baseline tests useful?

For teachers and educational institutions, baseline assessments can provide extremely useful data regarding the learners’ needs and knowledge to create a more personalized learning experience to achieve the course objectives. Moreover, at the end of that course, having another test like this one can show you what the students learned and how to craft better courses and experiences.

Regarding students, baseline assessments can be very useful for students to evaluate their progress after each course they take by looking at the results of both tests and reflecting on what they need to reinforce and the learning methods that worked the best for them.


How to use baseline tests?

The new baseline test in our platform can be automatically administered at two points in the course: First, when the learner commences the course (before they can access the materials in unit 1) and then again after the last unit once they press “Finish course.”



  • Clarity is key: Make sure your questions are as clear as possible!
  • Directly relate questions to the course content.
  • Provide four answer options.
  • Avoid “All of the Above” or “None of the Above” as options.


Final thoughts

We are committed to lifelong, social, and personalized learning at CanopyLAB. We sell our proprietary software called LAB. LAB merges the functionalities of a learning management system (LMS), learning experience platform (LXP), and social network to deliver engaging education on the values, products, and services of our clients and partners. Furthermore, based on this commitment, we are always working to bring you the most useful tools so you can create unique courses that help learners exploit their full potential and achieve their learning goals. 

The baseline test is one of our most recent features. We are sure it will be extremely useful in your journey as a course creator, as it will give you the information you need to understand your audience and create fascinating courses.

At CanopyLAB, we understand that the future demands new skills, which is why we are using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to create personalized courses that train all types of learners in the skills they need to succeed at their workplace or to be prepared for the future of work. To learn more, sign up for a free trial today!


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