Future of Learning: Top Digital Learning Trends to watch out for in 2023

There is no question that the digital revolution has come to stay. With the Internet of Things, the power of AI across industries, and the ongoing automatization of different professions, the field of education is also heavily influenced by tech. In previous blogs, we’ve talked about the use of artificial intelligence in education and how it is changing the way we learn and teach. In fact, the eLearning industry is growing rapidly. According to Yahoo Finance, the Edtech market is growing at a CAGR of 17.79% and is expected to register an incremental growth of USD 133.05 billion between 2021 and 2026.

By Andrea Camargo


Whether you are a teacher, school administrator, or work in HR, it is crucial to understand the new digital learning trends to help your students and colleagues beat the competition.


Whether you are a teacher, school administrator, or work in HR, it is crucial to understand the new digital learning trends to help your students and colleagues beat the competition. So, without further ado, let’s check out the top digital trends to watch out for in 2023.


Digital learning trends disrupting learning and teaching in 2023

  • Micro-Learning, AKA nano-learning: We’ve already seen this with platforms such as Duolingo, Udemy, Khan Academy, Coursera, and CanopyLAB, where users can learn in asynchronous micro-sessions in the comfort of their homes. Average sessions are 10 to 20 minutes, as online courses compete against Twitter, Netflix, and Youtube. Shorter courses and shorter session lengths will be even more prevalent across the eLearning industry in 2023, as the majority of content is transitioned to video-based. Micro-learning will be the weapon of choice for informal learning as people of all ages are eager to learn the necessary skills to stay relevant in the job market, earn higher wages, and expand their portfolios. If you are eager to learn something new today in less than one hour, make sure to check out our list of free micro-courses on our platform, StudentLAB.


Micro-learning will be the weapon of choice for informal learning as people of all ages are eager to learn the necessary skills to stay relevant in the job market, earn higher wages, and expand their portfolios.


  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): The best lessons I had back in school were definitely the practical ones. Remember when you did an interesting experiment or had a memorable field trip where you learned loads without really trying? Those active learning experiences taught me more than any lecture could. Well, this is not only anecdotal evidence. According to a Harvard study, active learning has more positive effects on learning than passive lectures. Yet, it is not possible to have a field trip to ancient Greece or Pompey, and this is where VR and AR can disrupt old teaching practices and transform them into unique and exciting experiences where students have fun at the same time they learn. Furthermore, introducing the Metaverse to classrooms and offices will increase the use of VR in learning scenarios in various industries.


  • Social Learning: Yes! Social Learning will continue to be a significant trend in education. We are social beings, and we learn better when we learn with others or have the option to discuss our thoughts and ideas. Social media has proven that even if you are an introvert, you like to feel that you belong somewhere and that you have a group of people you can share your ideas with. That is why it doesn’t matter that you have the latest LXP in your company. If it doesn’t include a social element where learners can interact with each other, an essential part of the process will be completely lost, and some vital soft skills we need to succeed won’t be learned. Because of this, CanopyLAB’s LXP has been built on top of a social network structure where you can create a unique learning community in your organization.


it doesn’t matter that you have the latest LXP in your company. If it doesn’t include a social element where learners can interact with each other, an essential part of the process will be completely lost


  • Mobile Apps: Learning is expanding outside the classroom. Thanks to mobile apps, you can learn a new language or how to invest while you commute to work. Much like micro-learning, mobile apps will become more prevalent as people look for different ways to re-skill themselves outside of the limitations of classrooms and informal learning environments. Being able to learn on the go and at your own pace are major reasons why mobile apps will be more critical in digital learning in the new year, and believe us, you want to reap the benefits of this trend.


  • Gamification: All work and no play… Well, you know how that saying goes. The point is that in a time where TikTok 20-second videos and Instagram reels are taking over the attention of children and adults alike, it is important to include gamification elements to ensure a practical and enjoyable learning experience. In this sense, allowing learners to be creative and enjoy themselves through journaling, video creation, or personalized quizzes can be the difference between successful lifelong learning and falling asleep on your computer. Hence, you must opt for LXPs that offer this important element, such as CanopyLAB, where we believe that giving learners and instructors different fun options to apply their knowledge and challenge themselves is the only way to ensure we are on the right track with what they need to learn.


you must opt for LXPs that offer this important element, such as CanopyLAB, where we believe that giving learners and instructors different fun options to apply their knowledge and challenge themselves is the only way to ensure we are on the right track with what they need to learn.


There you have it! These are the digital learning trends you must watch out for and implement in 2023 to give your learners the most effective learning experience. And what better way than to start now? At CanopyLAB, we have created an AI-powered LXP that’s bringing new features in 2023, and you won’t want to miss them. Book a demo today.


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