New feature release: You can now sell coaching services through your CanopyLAB LXP


We have released a new feature where you can be a coach or buy services from coaches directly on the platform. The possible implications are many, and the feature is intended for:

  1. Coaching
  2. 1:1 Mentoring services
  3. Virtual office hours with your teacher
  4. Tutoring


The coaching functionality is the first step towards creating a marketplace for teachers and students mentors and more directly embedded within our software


The services can be provided free of charge or at a cost, enabling more to take part in the gig economy and to make money working from home.


“The coaching functionality is the first step towards creating a marketplace for teachers and students mentors and more directly embedded within our software, also enabling people to monetize their skills. Whether you are a CS: Go star who wants to make extra cash mentoring upcoming talent, a psychologist offering online services, or a teacher offering tutoring services, this application is targeted you,” says Christian Skræm Juul Jensen, co-founder and CTO.


Check out the coaching functionality below.



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