What is the Adaptive Entrance Quiz and the Onboarding quiz, and what do they have to do with adaptive learning?

Learning designers and teachers alike have a lot of questions about adaptive learning. One of the most frequently asked questions is, how does it work? To enable adaptive courses, we use the Adaptive Entrance Quiz to discover more about what knowledge a learner has about the topics they are about to study. On the other hand, we use the Onboarding Quiz to gain insights into how learners think they prefer to learn.

Learning designers and teachers alike have a lot of questions about adaptive learning. One of the most frequently asked questions is, how does it work?

The Adaptive Entrance Quiz

The Adaptive Entrance Quiz is a proprietary tool developed by CanopyLAB. It is a tool that tests learners’ knowledge of specific topics in a course. If the learner demonstrates sufficient knowledge, the system suggests that they can skip parts of the course, saving them time and helping them avoid repetition. This personalized approach makes learning more engaging and efficient, as learners are more likely to remain motivated when they feel they are making progress. For a complete guide to using the adaptive Entrance Quiz, consult this blog.

The Explore You Quiz

The learning preference quiz “Explore You” is an onboarding quiz that provides CanopyLAB with actionable insight into every learner’s learning preferences. The quiz helps us tailor the learning experience to the needs and preferences of the individual. You can read more about Explore You quiz here.


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