What to consider when picking a study partner

Once again, it is the time of the year to choose a study partner! In a perfect world, all of your potential study partners have the same drive, study habits, and goals as you. However, we know how difficult it can be to choose a study partner, especially if you don’t know your classmates that well. Studying with a fellow classmate can be very beneficial, as they can help you discuss class topics/questions, get support when studying for an exam or overall, keep you motivated. Keep reading to find out the most important considerations when choosing one!

1.Consider your learning style
Are you a person who likes to sit in the same room as their study partner and review the materials together? Do you expect to engage in discussions about all the topics studied in class? Or would you rather just meet only/if there are topics that you don’t understand very well? Setting expectations from the beginning it’s important so you both know if the expected outcome would be suitable for each of you.


2. Consider the time and location of the study sessions
Depending on where you live and how busy your schedule is, it can be more or less important to consider how often and where to meet. If you live in a big city, it is probably more efficient to have a study buddy who lives near you. Likewise, it is very convenient if you both have similar availability and are willing to meet the same amount of times a month.


If you live in a big city, it is probably more efficient to have a study buddy who lives near you.


3. Consider if you would rather meet online or in-person
Meeting online can make the process of studying together to be more practical and effective, while meeting in person can be more fun and dynamic. Especially now during COVID-19 times, it can be quite sensitive for some people to meet in person. Decide if you feel more comfortable meeting online over video calls, or if you would rather meet in person after testing yourself, or not.  


4. Consider someone who matches your academic level
In order to create a win-win relationship, consider pairing up with someone who shares your same academic level, or that is able to challenge you. Since a study partnership is supposed to help each person, it should be balanced enough to not steal your personal study time, and it should not become a tutorship situation either.


5. Consider someone with similar goals
How important is it for you to get good grades, or to deeply understand the topics seen in class? Consider a partner who expects to get the same results as you and has the same study priorities. Rather than eventually becoming a distraction, a study partner should help you achieve your academic goals.


Consider a partner who expects to get the same results as you and has the same study priorities.


6. Consider someone who will be a positive influence
Maybe your partner has an infallible study method, or they are even more organized than Marie Kondo? Even though we all have something to learn from each other, you might feel more motivated if you already know about your study partner’s specific study abilities and you are looking forward to learning more from it.


7. Remember to have fun!
Even though the main goal of the study partnership is to help each other out to better understand what it’s discussed in class, or to pass an exam, it can be even more beneficial if a social element is added. Engaging in a social activity can relieve stress and help ease any overwhelming feeling. This does not mean that you necessarily have to become close friends with your study partner, but try going for a coffee, taking a walk or playing a game during your breaks and learn more about each other.


Remember that the most important thing about having a study partner is that it should be a two-way street. Make sure to also give what you expect to receive. In the end, the whole idea of having one is to support and help each other out. Good luck!

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